Daily Reggae Album Review: Over the Bridge deliver their wide-ranging sound to the masses on their first full length release
Photo courtesy of Over the Bridge.
A new wave is coming from the Northeastern ocean town of Gloucester, Massachusetts in the form of reggae rock band Over the Bridge. Having been steadily making a name for themselves over the past few years, the band has raised their self-described brand of "Feel Good Music" to a new level with their debut full-length release. The tracks on "Over the Bridge" are well crafted from both a songwriting and production perspective, with reggae being the primary ingredient that is then complemented by flavors of rock, folk, hip-hop, and New England spice. Members Mike Forgette and Dave Campbell have been hard at work since their first show in 2014, and their new album is proof that it is all paying off.
Head over to the Daily Reggae Album Reviews page to read Chris Lawrie’s full review!
"Late Night Text" is the Daily Reggae Song of the Day.